Apr 15, 2023Liked by Shilpa Jain

hiya Shilpa

another fab article .

but i am left wanting to add some "yes , and..."

the context of our western society is heavily tilted towards "NOT-enoughness" ... and so an extra dose of "enoughness" seems obvious for the sake of balance .

but i dont want to forget that ceaseless-yearning is also an inescapable part of us ( like our ego , it can be stuffed under the carpet , but never destroyed) .

so , giving it some space to be honoured and to feel belonging , also seems fair .

furthermore , there is a healthy function of this ceaseless-never-enough-yearning .... we are relentlessly forced to continue taking baby-steps towards our higher selves and our higher purpose in life .

Also , we are forced to face the crisis .

It will not allow us to say we are doing enough for our planet , when perhaps there are new levels of togetherness that we can reach

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Yes, for sure, Pancho. I don't think a sense of enoughness means complacency and not learning or growing or working together, though. I think it just offers a different foundation -- instead of scarcity, we're starting with enough and building from there. Then, our learning or relationships or work isn't there to try to fill an insatiable hole of emptiness and not-good-enough. It's there to expand our existence even more. Just another thought! Appreciate you reading and let's keep exploring together. :)

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